Bangladesh Enforces Nationwide Curfew Amid Student Protests and Violence

by | Jul 19, 2024

Bangladesh Enforces Nationwide Curfew Amid Student Protests and Violence

In response to escalating violence in Dhaka, the government of Bangladesh has imposed a nationwide curfew. The decision comes after intense rioting continued in the capital, leading to the deaths of 35 more people, with the total now reaching 67 since the protests began. The unrest was initially triggered by student-led demands for the abolition of job reservation policies favoring families of the 1971 independence war veterans.

The Prime Minister’s office declared the curfew following an audacious attack on Narsingdi prison, which resulted in the escape of hundreds of inmates. Government Press Secretary Naeemul Islam Khan confirmed that the military has been deployed to assist in maintaining order.

Amidst a near-total communication blackout, with mobile internet and telephone services severely disrupted, the transportation network has ground to a halt. Schools and universities across the nation have shut down indefinitely as the government strives to quell the unrest.

Protesters, undeterred by the government’s measures, have intensified their efforts, vowing to maintain road blockades across Dhaka. The quota system, they argue, perpetuates inequality by favoring certain groups over others based on heritage rather than merit.

This crisis has drawn international attention, with social media platforms flooded with images of chaos and calls for support from global human rights organizations. The situation remains volatile as the international community watches closely.
